Gueston White is the founder of the cigar line Mister cigarz. Mister Cigarz is a unique hand made cigar made from the best cigar farms in Dominican Republic, and right here in the US. His cigar line is on the rise and has already been
Gueston White is the founder of the cigar line Mister cigarz. Mister Cigarz is a unique hand made cigar made from the best cigar farms in Dominican Republic, and right here in the US. His cigar line is on the rise and has already been
Josi Marie is the founder of the marketing company Sculpt Creative. With her natural talent of sales she is helping businesses find their voice to stand out in the market, and of course make money. In this interview we spoke about the benefits of email
Checkout the exclusive chat we did with the owner of the black male focused company working towards shaping men to fit and navigate through society Groomed Success. This is much
Finding the right affiliate marketing program can be a hassle. Most people join affiliate marketing groups to immediately start money, but surprising that money making dream
In 2010, Avonda Turner graduated from Old Dominion University with a Bachelor degree in Mass Communications and Public Relations. Immediately after graduating she found herself in the middle of a recession
Every resume should accommodate the position you are applying. The use of a generic resume to send to every job is acceptable when applying for positions within the same industry, but that may not be enough. One of the key things to know and follow