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Fixing Financial Literacy Through Banking

Sheena Allen is the founder of the financial savvy tech company named Capway. Capway is a company geared towards providing financial planning opportunities to individuals that don’t believe in the traditional banking system. Capway starts by helping users open bank accounts, then it offers financial resources to assist in breaking the habit of living paycheck to paycheck.

In the interview Sheena Allen did with CNN Business she said;

“I know this problem from a personal point of view, from my family and friends, but I didn’t know this problem from outside of Mississippi”


Sheena Allen is the founder of Sheena Allen apps, a mobile application company. The company has created user friendly apps for instagram, twitter, IOS users, and android. The apps her company is responsible for creating are twtbooth, orangesnap, picsliy, dubblen, and words on pics. As a seasoned veteran to creating apps, Sheena Allen came across the idea of creating Capway after traveling across the US and observing large amounts of people not owning bank accounts. Sheens told CNN Business.

“In the end, education and understanding money along with giving them to tools to put that education to use will be the shift. You can’t give people one part and not the other and expect to see a big change”


This is app is scheduled to release sometime during fall 2018.

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