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Your Hired!! The Resume That Will Land You The Job

Every resume should accommodate the position you are applying. The use of a generic resume to send to every job is acceptable when applying for positions within the same industry, but that may not be enough. One of the key things to know and follow in your job hunt is to create a resume according to the requirements of the position. The best way to do this is to review some resume samples within your industry of interest and carefully review the job description requirements to confirm your resume matches the employers needs. It is not acceptable to write a resume plagiarize other resumes you have found through research because the same way you found that resume is the same way other applicants can find that same resume. Always Be sure to make your resume unique to yourself and your experience (but, keep it professional). Check this check list as you go through your resume to assure your resume is hiring material.

  1. Check your grammar
  2. Your work dates must be in consecutive order to one another and be ready to explain any gaps within your employment
  3. Make sure your resume a properly formatted and aligned (when you resume is not properly aligned you it gives the impression you do not pay attention to details)
  4. Word you’re resume with action verbs that matches the employers needs (You want to always make sure your resume matches what the employer is searching for in a candidate)
  5. Capitalize words that should be capital
  6. If you are no longer working somewhere assure to have that experience in past tense (This is very important especially when you have a generic resume)
  7. Make sure you can back up all your skills
  8. Add your most relevant school experience (It is not really necessary to have all the schools you have attended on your resume that is what the job application and the back ground check is for)
  9. Make sure you are not redundant in describing your work experience
  10. Have fun with creating your resume, but keep it professional
  11. Be CONFIDENT!!!!!

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