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April is sexual assault awareness month. With the recent cases of celebrities found guilty accused of sexual assault, and the stories from the #Metoo Movement of people coming out to tell their story about sexual assault. Sexual assault has been more


Plastic surgery can be amazing when it comes to the self love and confidence aspect of the process. But, with many victories, also comes many challenges. The side effects of plastic surgery is something doctors fail to explain to women


Checkout the list of shows we have put together as a must watch with you close girlfriends to laugh, cry, debate, and plainly talk some ish……


When it comes to dating courtship plays a major part in how far a relationship can go. When it comes to the first date who should really pay? Ideally one would think the man should always pay, but when it


The friend zone is that funny place in a relationship where some people define as testing waters as in meaning taking it slowly, and others would say they just got the okie doked in meaning they just got the B/S


We live in the culture when it comes to sexual relations with someone many people find it not that necessary to know the number of people their partner has been with. Some people may find that it is mandatory, but

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