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Equal Rights For Women When It Comes to Pay

Equal pay for women is topic that has been spoken about for many years when it comes to how women are treated in the workplace. As a women of color it hits even harder because most of the time she has to odds playing against her.  I am pretty sure by now you have heard of the conflict between Monique and Netflix. She has requested that people boycott the streaming service Netflix due to unreasonable negotiations she faced while working on putting together a deal which would allow her to have a comedy special with the streaming service for the next 2 years. Just to recap you in case you were not aware Monique was offered a two year deal  with the streaming service for $500,000. I know $500,000 you may be looking at this like “that does not sound bad”, but the clause to this deal was she was not allowed to do anything outside of netflix within the next 2 years. So, that would mean no pop up shows, and no movies. I for one agree with this absurd deal 100 percent. I do commend her for standing up for something she felt was a slap in the face. Compared to other comedians like Amy Schumer whom was offered an $11 million dollar from Netflix, then turned around I received $2 million extra once she found our Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock will have specials running around the same time her special will be on has caused other comedians who felt wrong by Netflix to speak out and extensive controversy  twitter conversations about inequality in the workplace. With a jaded reputation following her around it caused her deal to not play in her favor. This is something that happens to many women of all different backgrounds. Once you are labeled as difficult it carry’s a stronger hold than your work ethics. What are your thoughts on this topic? 




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