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How To Manage Your Beauty Budget

 Photo by {artist}/{collectionName} / Getty Images

Photo by {artist}/{collectionName} / Getty Images

The standard of beauty has risen to an unprecedented high. The flawless hair exotic hair, long and voluptuous lashes of marvel’s classic superwoman, and the flawless skin of America’s top pageant queens are now obtainable & affordable right around the corner at your local hair, nail, or cosmetic shop. The accessibility & affordability of these vanity services have made their usage nearly indispensable to many consumers.

Although priced reasonably, the cost of these services adds up! Assuming that Jessica (our prototype female consumer) makes one hair shop visit per month for a regular wash & set, two nail shop visits per month, and one cosmetic re-stock every three months, she is spending in the neighborhood of $3720 per year to maintenance her hair, nails, & skin. If Jessica lives in New York City and makes about $40,000 per year then her post-tax salary looks something like this: $24,000.  Rent— $10,000. Transit— $2,000. Does Jessica really need to spend 15% of her disposable income to maintain fabulous hair, nails, & skin?


Apply these tips to save cash without sacrificing your up-keep:

  1. Take Advantage of Daily Specials – Many hair & nail shops run weekly price specials. These shops are willing to cut you a deal for having your services completed during traditionally low-traffic time slots like Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. These specials can range anywhere from 15% off to $15 off.

  2. Choose a Low Maintenance Style for a Lower Budget – Especially in the avenue of hair—be sure to choose a style with a maintenance requirement that meets your budget! Custom wigs or sew-in extensions usually start around $300 upfront, and about $75 per month afterward for mainteance. Likewise with nails, solar nails will cost you about $40 for the initial set and about $30 for bi-weekly fill-ins. In contrast, painting your natural nails will cost you much less upfront and less in the long term too.

  3. Take Care of it So It Lasts Longer – When you’re washing dishes or scrubbing the tub, wear rubber gloves over your nails to prevent wear. Wear your hair in a wrap at night in order to maintain shape & body; this will keep you look fabulous & also keep you out of the shop for longer periods of time. Invest in a carry case for your cosmetics. This will help keep them at an acceptable temperature & help you keep up with them!

  4. Don’t Get Attached to Your Provider – If the new hairdresser who moved in across the street provides equally good service for half the price, then move your business right on over!

  5. Groupon & Living Social Deals- Groupon, Living Social, & other wholesale service sites offer amazing rates on hair, nail, & cosmetic services. If you can save money and achieve the same fabulous results by buying with the group instead of buying alone then stay on top of those deals!

  6. Shop Around for Products – If you know what product works best for your hair, nails, or skin, don’t buy it from your local shop just because it’s convenient. Shop around! Shop on E-Bay, target.com, and also see what the street vendors have to offer! Why pay sticker price when you could pay half as much for the same product?

There’s nothing like starting your day with the bounce of freshly curled hair, perfectly manicured nails, & flawless make-up! These items are a must on many of our agendas, but we must not lose our wallets in the process. If we plan ahead and think practically, then we can maintain both our beauty and our bank accounts all at once!

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